Arctic Nordic Equities
Focus on value-creating companies in the Nordic market
Invest close to home

Nordic equity fund
Arctic Nordic Equities focuses on value-creating and attractively valued companies in the Nordic region. The region, with its small, open and flexible economies, is a fertile breeding ground for highly competitive companies which have provided strong historical shareholder returns. The Nordic investment universe also scores well on sustainability and transparency.
The fund is managed by an experienced team covering all industries with proprietary research. We approach our investments as long-term owners resulting in relatively low portfolio turnover. Our index-independent, bottom-up process aims to find the best combination of quality characteristics and an attractive valuation.

Investment philosophy
The fund relies on independent analysis where detailed proprietary research and judgement are central to the investment process. This is carried out by an integrated team with extensive industrial as well as financial experience who work to find value-creating, resilient, well-run companies while being mindful of valuation.
The portfolio is constructed by using a bottom-up stock picking process involving an in-depth analysis of business fundamentals, financials, and sustainability factors. Risk is mitigated by close monitoring of, and extensive dialogue and engagement with, the portfolio companies.
A flexible, business-minded approach results in an index-independent portfolio with relatively low turnover and high concentration. We believe that investing in, and holding, attractively valued businesses with strong value-creation over time will be reflected in superior shareholder returns.
Fund Performance
Investment team

Sindre Sørbye
Portfolio Manager / Partner

Ole E. Dahl
Portfolio Manager / Partner

Kay-Erik Mamre-Johansen
Portfolio Manager / Partner

Alexander Larsted Lager
Portfolio Manager

The Nordic Equity Market
The Nordic region offers a strong framework of effective institutions and legal systems with good corporate governance, contributing to superior long-term equity returns.
The Nordic market is big enough for diversification, providing many investment alternatives, yet it is small enough for us to establish an overview, making it ideally suited for our bottom-up style of stock picking.

Get invested
You don't need to be wealthy to start investing. As an online client, a sum of NOK 1,000 is enough to take the first step towards reaching your long-term financial goal. All Arctic funds can be purchased online via our online investment portal. The portfolios are actively managed by our experienced investment teams.
We also offer personal advisory service to investment companies and institutional clients looking to invest in the Arctic funds.
View our other strategies
Past performance in the fund is no guarantee for future returns. Future returns depend on the market, fund manager skill, fund risk level, costs, among others. Performance in the fund may at times be negative and may vary within periods.
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