Arctic Aurora Biotech Select
Healthy returns from transforming medicine
Healthy returns from transforming medicine

Global Biotech fund
Arctic Aurora Biotech Select is a specialised global healthcare UCITS fund. The fund invests in leading innovative small to midsize biotech companies supplemented with holdings in larger cash-generating companies to maximize risk-adjusted return.
The fund provides investors with an exposure to a large number of biotech companies leading the development of new, science-based medicines that significantly improve the quality of life for patients, at the same time as benefitting society and possessing high return potential. The medical need is large and growing, due in part to developments in demography and life-style.
Selecting winning biotech companies requires a specialised investment team with deep knowledge and experience from biology and clinical trials and the ability to understand commercial potential. The fund has a strong emphasis on risk management through portfolio construction to control higher expected volatility.

Investment philosophy
Risk diversification is achieved by limiting the size of positions in earlier-stage companies and having a balanced mix of cash positive and non-cash positive companies.
The portfolio has approximately 50-70 holdings and may include up to 10% in unlisted equities and an additional 10% in pre-IPO companies.
The fund has a strong focus on the quality of assets in a company’s pipeline and their commercial potential. The efficacy and safety data of drug candidates reported from clinical trials are studied thoroughly to evaluate the return/risk profile for the companies. Investment positions in earlier-stage biotech firms are limited in size to control project-specific risk.
Fund Performance
Investment team

Ulrica Slåne Bjerke
CIO Arctic Asset Management, Stockholm branch

Daniel Bolanowski
Portfolio Manager

Mark Fabian

The Global Life Science Sector
We believe global life science is an attractive investment universe, with industry diversification opportunities of global scale.

Get invested
You don't need to be wealthy to start investing. As an online client, a sum of NOK 1,000 is enough to take the first step towards reaching your long-term financial goal. All Arctic funds can be purchased online via our online investment portal. The portfolios are actively managed by our experienced investment teams.
We also offer personal advisory service to investment companies and institutional clients looking to invest in the Arctic funds.
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Past performance in the fund is no guarantee for future returns. Future returns depend on the market, fund manager skill, fund risk level, costs, among others. Performance in the fund may at times be negative and may vary within periods.
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