Euro Stars 2023

Our Fixed Income team was recently awarded a solid ranking in the Euro Stars 2023 guide, CityWire's annual list of Europe's top-performing fund managers. 

- Top ranking, Fixed Income, Norwegian Bonds

- #141 overall across all asset classes

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Arctic Asset Management's Fixed Income team with top ranking in Euro Stars 2023

Methodology for Euro Stars ranking:

The Euro Stars guide is based on a fund manager’s track record over the last three years. This performance is calculated using total returns, priced at bid to bid, with income reinvested at the ex-dividend date. The managers are then ranked using the Citywire Manager Ratio, which is a modified version of the Information Ratio that factors in all the eligible funds across all asset classes and sectors an individual runs over that time period.

The data used covers the three years to 28 February 2023.

In order to be eligible, a manager must have been active for a minimum of three years within the prescribed timeframe and be active at the end of that period. The manager must also be currently active in managing funds registered for sale in at least three of the following countries: UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein and Malta.

Once the eligibility criteria above are met, the top 250 managers ranked by Manager Ratio are awarded a Euro Stars rating.

This elite group are then arranged by the sectors in which they run funds, in order of their respective Manager Ratio, which is measured across all Euro Stars funds managed (find the full tables at the back). Each manager profile includes the total assets under management across all funds they run in that respective sector.


Arctic Ansatte 2022 180122 ZSB 3980
Arctic Asset Management, Fixed Income team: Vegard Kjølhamar, Cathrine Foyn, Trond Tømmerås

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